Treatment Preview 1
Treatment Preview 2


By Alex Payne

A style for "treatment" documents of the sort used in the film industry. Could be used for outlining or summarizing novels as well.

Here's how it works:

- All text is in Courier Prime, the least bad Courier.

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A style for "treatment" documents of the sort used in the film industry. Could be used for outlining or summarizing novels as well.

Here's how it works:

- All text is in Courier Prime, the least bad Courier.
- Heading 1s are centered. Emphasis within a Heading 1 results in an underline, not italics. Use these at the top of your document for project titles.
- Heading 2s are bolded. They come with a little visual breathing room, just enough to keep your sections separated.
- Lists look okay, if you really want to go crazy.

That's all there is to it. Treatment documents are intentionally simple.

Modeled on actual treatment documents I've come across, as well as the Treatment style in Highland 2. Adapted from the Standard Manuscript style.

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