Praecepta Preview 1
Praecepta Preview 2


By ojuutilainen

This style complies with the format preferred by University of Tampere, Faculty of Social Sciences, Degree Programme in History. No page number is displayed on the first page of each section (e.g. to accommodate a cover page).

- First level headings (single #, heading-1): section break.
- Single paragraph

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This style complies with the format preferred by University of Tampere, Faculty of Social Sciences, Degree Programme in History. No page number is displayed on the first page of each section (e.g. to accommodate a cover page).

- First level headings (single #, heading-1): section break.
- Single paragraph dividers (----): a small gap between paragraphs
- Double paragraph dividers: page break after, the dividers themselves are not visible by default.

A sample cover page:

# Title
## Name
## Date


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