
The table class is used for styling an entire table. It provides default settings for cells of the table as well as settings that apply to the table as whole (e.g. borders and margins of the table).


  • Definitions:

    • table

Style Settings

See also: Table Cell, Paragraph, Inline

Setting Type Examples Description
border-color Color rgb(0,0,0), #000000 The color of any border line around the table.
border-style Symbol solid, none The styling of any border line around the table.
border-width Length 0.5em The width of any border line around the table.


See also: Table Cell, Paragraph, Inline


// Set the borders and margins of a table and define a default font for all cells
table {
 border-style:     solid
 border-width:     1pt

 margin-top:       20pt
 margin-bottom:    20pt

 font-family:        "Helvetica Neue"