Document Settings

Applies to: Document Settings

Style Setting Description
column-count The number of text columns used for output.
column-spacing-width The spacing between two text columns for multi-column layouts.
footnote-enumeration Specifies how to enumerate footnotes.
footnote-placement Specifies where to place footnotes in the document.
footnote-style The style that should be used for enumerating footnotes.
locale The locale that should be used for hyphenation if language detection fails.
page-binding The position of the page binding.
page-height The height of the page.
page-inset-bottom The spacing between the bottom border of a page and the page content.
page-inset-inner The spacing between the inner border of a page and the page content. Depends on page-binding and two-sided.
page-inset-outer The spacing between the outer border of a page and the page content. Depends on page-binding and two-sided.
page-inset-top The spacing between the top border of a page and the page content.
page-number-format The format string that should be used for page numbers.
page-number-reset Specifies whether page numbers should be reset on each section.
page-number-style The style that should be used for generating page numbers.
page-orientation The orientation of a page.
page-width The width of the page.
section-break Specifies whether headings or dividers will introduce a section break.
two-sided Specifies whether the output should be generated for two-sided printing or not.