Headers and Footers

Describes the layout and the content of the header/footer of a page. Can be used to setup running headlines or page numbers. Inherits all inline and paragraph style settings. Provides special pseudo-classes :first-page, :left-page and :right-page that allow to style headers/footers on two-sided documents differently for first, left and right pages.


  • Definitions:

    • area-header

    • area-footer

Style Settings

See also: Paragraph, Inline

Setting Type Examples Description
bottom-spacing Length 1cm The spacing on the bottom of a header / footer.
content Symbol none, heading, page-number The content that should be filled in to the header / footer.
top-spacing Length 1cm The spacing on the top of a header / footer.


Class Description
:first-page The style will be only applied to headers or footers that are on the first page of a section.
:left-page The style will be only applied to headers or footers that are on the left page of a section.
:right-page The style will be only applied to headers or footers that are on the right page of a section.


area-header :first-page {
  text-alignment:   center
  content:          heading

area-header :left-page {
  text-alignment:   left
  content:          heading

area-header :right-page {
  text-alignment:   right
  content:          heading